
Hey! I'm Kevin and I'm the founder of Wildchat. When I was in college I had no idea what to do with rest of my life. I decided create a brand that would promote our sports radio segment "Wildchats" on WUNH 91.3FM at the University of New Hampshire. The goal was to create a show that not just our university would tune in to, but others in the country as well. Being on the radio, I wanted to begin promoting the brand on the internet and interview some of my favorite athletes and entrepreneurs. From starting the podcast with a $25 microphone holding facetime calls next to it (god awful audio) to interviewing over 100+ guests on our show, we have had lots of help along the way. The goal is to create the biggest show on the internet and direct an animation series based on our message, "Never Give Up" that also will pay tribute to each of our guests for taking the time. Enjoy the ride.